Wendy Gray | October 2022

Sarah was absolutely amazing and delivered the most beautifully perfect, powerful, emotive, personal words ever.
— Helen, guest

My first - proper, paid - booking was unexpected. I’d been speaking to engaged couples and focusing on weddings and then along came a request for a funeral.

I said yes, without hesitation. I’d met the wonderful lady who had passed away, Wendy Gray, a couple of times and had been charmed by her charisma, warmth and energy. Her devoted daughter Laura asked if I would be the celebrant for her celebration of life ceremony in Newcastle and I was so honoured to be considered.

The order of service for Wendy’s celebration of life

Meeting with Wendy’s family to discuss her life was bittersweet and special; we laughed together as much as we cried together. I’ll never forget the feeling of sitting with them in their grief, in their front room, tea in our hands and dogs at our feet, and hearing their favourite stories of her life. The privilege felt immense.

The ceremony itself was gorgeous - flowers, friends and the tangible twin feelings of love and loss permeating the air. The guests walked in to John Legend’s All of Me and processed back out to Helen Reddy, I Am Woman. The perfect choices for the strong, inimitable woman Wendy was.

I held back my tears as best I could, trying to be professional and hold myself together, but the biggest test came when reading out this classic Nick Cave song, chosen by Wendy’s husband Dave.

Into My Arms

I don’t believe in the existence of angels

But looking at you I wonder if that's true

But if I did I would summon them together

And ask them to watch over you

To each burn a candle for you

To make bright and clear your path

And to walk in grace and love

And guide you into my arms

I do believe in love

And I know that you do too

And I believe in some kind of path

That we can walk down, me and you

So keep your candles burning

To make her journey bright and pure

So she will keep returning

Always and evermore Into my arms

To be asked to lead the celebration of life ceremony for someone’s closest loved one - their wife, their mum, their best friend - is one of the biggest honours of my career. Of my life.

We celebrated, together, all that Wendy achieved, how she lived and - most of all - how loved she was, in a chapel where every single seat was taken.